Dr. Suwelack has centred its activities in its Billerbeck base for 130 years. Our company is shaped by the typical values of a family organisation and has close ties with the region and its people. It is second nature for us to assume responsibility – for our company, our workforce and our environment.
Responsibility for our company means constantly increasing the value and, in turn, the future viability of the company by means of excellent performance and sound commercial management. We want to be among the best in our markets. We aim to be the market leaders with our core products. In this way, we also safeguard jobs and the importance of Dr. Suwelack as an economic factor in the region.
Fixed values such as honesty, trust, respect and open communication shape our corporate culture. This applies both within the company itself and for the long-term partnerships that we have had with our customers and suppliers. Our business partners have the same high ethical and social standards that we do.
We acknowledge our responsibility towards our employees with our Code of Conduct – after all they are our strength and our greatest asset. We set great store by creating a healthy, safe and positive working atmosphere and by providing our employees with plenty of opportunities to develop their potential. Safety at work is a top priority for us and we adhere strictly to all legal requirements, conduct safety audits and provide regular information and training to our employees.
Protecting the environment is also of central importance. In manufacturing our products, we aim to minimise the strain on the environment and to use natural resources economically. To do so, all relevant processes in the company need to be observed and optimised on an ongoing basis. We also use renewable energy sources for generating energy. Our clear priority is to avoid, reduce and utilise waste rather than disposing of it.
Our investment decisions take not only commercial aspects into account but also the impact on the environment, particularly the need to reduce CO2. Our energy policy focuses on the efficient use of
energy. By using an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001, we ensure that we comply with all legal requirements which are energetically relevant and, in addition, we work to minimise the specific energy consumption.
The division Dr. Suwelack Compliance ensures adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, as well as all other statutory provisions and voluntary commitments. This is a matter of course for Dr. Otto Suwelack Nachf. GmbH & Co. KG. We have developed and introduced suitable and efficient management systems to ensure this and, in addition, we embrace a philosophy of continuous self-improvement. We subject the quality of these systems and our products to external checks in a variety of different forms, e.g. by certifications.