BAKERY | Zertifizierungen | Header

Verified quality - our certifications

Dr. Suwelack guarantees the highest quality and food safety in every respect. We also
practise by verifiable means our responsibility as a company in the fields of environmental protection, ethics and sustainable use of resources.

Independent, accredited certifiers confirm the premium quality of our products and procedures. Here, you can view our certificates for the business unit BAKERY and download them in PDF form:

EU Bio
OU-Kosher-Zertifizierung durch Orthodox Union
Bio Suisse Zertifizierung für Bio-Sauerteig
FSSC 22000
Energiemanagement nach DIN EN ISO 50001
Zertifizierungen | HCS-Halal
Managementsystem nach DIN EN ISO 45001

Do you have any questions about our certifications?
Please contact us: